I have a passion for sewing. I have been facinated with it since i was 5 years old or younger i am now 45. It all started with my Aunt Dora she use to always want me to thread her needle because she could no longer see the eye of the needle. I is a recylement because now i can't see the eye of the needle. Luckly for us sewist that we have the needle threader. I was the needle threader for my aunt and i loved it. Her words "Squeaky (me) come thread my needle" i can still always hear that in my head. I use to tell my mom that I needed to go see Aunt Dora so that i can thread her needle. I love my aunt Dora bless her soul.
My love for sewing started then so did my love for electronics. I was so fascinating how that machine put that fabric together like that and afterwards you can wear it. as a youngster I never grasp the concept or ideas of sewing as a career. If I had I would have been a designer instead of a phlebotomist.
So now that i am older and my kids are older it is time for me to try and work more toward the things that i want, which include my own physical boutique that carries my designs as will as others sewist designs
So with that being said i have been working on this for about 8 months now. Thank you Aunt Dora if it wasn't for you i will have no intrest in sewing, and designing my own appare